21 July 2015

hello all,

It has been a while since I have been on blog but I'll try to keep it somewhat short.

As for what Danae and I have been doing, we have been trying to spend as much time in the city as we can, so often on our days away from the mission we have been exploring the city of Glasgow.  I have gotten good at figuring out the fastest route to a place via trains/subway and I am hoping that there will be very little of a learning curve when we go to London. 

When we get back I'll be open to talking about our adventures in depth but I wanted to focus this blog on what God has been showing me/Danae and I.

As most of the people that know us know, Danae and I have felt like God has called us to do long term missions in Europe. We have spent a lot of our time pursuing that vision. But in the past it seems that we hit more closed doors than open ones. 

So this trip for us was partly (after GCM) to learn and see what ministries are happening here in Glasgow as well as London. While we are still doing that we have felt that God is telling us that we need to follow his timing. Meaning that instead of always trying to get to the "goal" we need to focus on where God has us now. That for us is going to be in Colorado for a while longer with us focusing on listening for God to tell us when and not ourselves. 

Do I feel like missions work is never going to happen for us? No, just that God is preparing the people/place/the organization that we go with while we prepare our selves. 

One thing that keeps popping up while I'm here is that God is good and God has something greater for us even if there is something we want now.      

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